Sunday, August 3, 2014

The Promised Pastor in Shincheonji who belong to God is totally different from False Prophets who belong to Satan

The Promised Pastor in Shincheonji who belong to God  is totally different from False Prophets who belong to Satan

The one (False Prophet) born of the earth speaks as one from the earth, but the one (Promised Pastor) who comes from above speaks about what he has seen and heard in Heaven. He (Promised Pastor) speaks God’s Words, and God gives him (Promised Pastor) the Holy Spirit without limit (Jn 3:31~34).Those who belong to the world listen to the words of the world, but they do not listen to God’s Words. Those (Shincheonji) who belong to God listen to God’s Words. This is how we can discern the Spirit of Truth from the Spirit of Deception (1 Jn 4:5~6). Furthermore, since God is love, those (Promised Pastor) who love belong to God, but those (False Prophets) who do not love do not belong to God. The fact that they (False Prophets) do not love is evidence that they (False Prophets) belong to Satan (1 Jn 4:7~8, 1 Jn 4:16).

Jesus said in Jn 15:18~19 that those (False Prophets) who belong to the world persecute those (Promised Pastor and his congregation Shincheonji) who belong to God. Mt 5:10~12 says something very similar: 'Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness … Rejoice and be glad, because great is your Reward in Heaven, for in the same way they (False Prophets) persecuted the Prophets who were before you.' Why do people persecute others? What is the reason? Regardless of whether you are talking about the past or the present, people who persecute others belong to the Devil Satan.

God told us to love, forgive, and bless others (Mt 18, 1 Jn 4). God sent His Son Jesus to die on our behalf (Jn 3:16), and that same Son Jesus gave up His life to save us from our sins (Jn 1:29, 1 Tm 1:15). Jesus taught us to love even our enemies, to feed them when they are hungry, and also to pray for them (Mt 5:44, Ro 12:20). Jesus also taught us to walk 2 miles with a person who forces us to travel 1 (Mt 5:41) and that hatred toward our brothers is tantamount to murder (Mt 5:21~22, 1 Jn 2:11, 1 Jn 3:15). He also said that people (False Prophets) who lie belong to the Devil Satan (Jn 8:44).

These are the commands of our Lord and the Scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35). People will be judged according to the Words of the Bible (Rev 20:12). I earnestly pray that you will attain Salvation by becoming a Possession of God.

Talking about the Sealed Book, in the Old Testament, Isa 29:9~14 states that the entire vision is like a Sealed Book, because the Lord has poured out a spirit of deep sleep and their eyes are sealed and their heads are covered. The seers and prophets are all blind and do not know the vision. They are taught by man and honor God with their lips. They call Him 'Lord, Lord', yet their hearts are far from God. But the vision has a Time for its Fulfillment (Hab 2:2~3). At the Time of the Fulfillment God opened the scroll and gave it to the Son of Man to eat, and sent him to the corrupt Chosen People (Eze 2~3). That person was Jesus. Jesus, in his 1st Coming, received the Opened Scroll (Book) and fulfilled all that was promised (Jn 19:30).

Regarding visions of the Bible's New Testament, the Book of Revelation, in chapter 5 verses 1 to 4 point out that today’s Pastors (False Prophets) have become blind and that there is not anyone who knows the Book that is sealed with 7 Seals. What they know and teach is the historical (genetically passed down) teachings. When the vision is not revealed as reality, then there is no salvation for humanity and God and His Kingdom will not come to earth. This is the Word of a Person (Promised Pastor) who knows God's will and understands the Bible. 

The Book of Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev 1:1), which records that if it is not kept, added to or taken out from, then that person cannot go to the Kingdom of Heaven and will be cursed (Rev 22:18~19). This is how it is, but why can't pastors (False Prophets) teach the Book of Revelation, the Revelation of Jesus? Or when they do, why do they teach it with people's thoughts and by human research? That is because they did not receive the Revelation and do not know the true meaning. If they do not know, will they be saved? No. They will not be saved. John went up to the Kingdom of Heaven (Rev 4) and stood in front of the Throne and saw that the Book was sealed and no one on earth or heaven could open it so he cried (Rev 5:1~4), because if the Book is not opened and God's Recorded Secret does not get fulfilled, then God's Hope and our Hope of Salvation will not be fulfilled. 

Today, Jesus opened all 7 Seals (Rev 6, Rev 8:1) and through the angel gave the Book to John so that he can deliver it to all nations and people (Rev 10:1~3, 8~10). In Jesus' 1st Coming, he received the Revelation God opened (Eze 2:8~3:3) and said that no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him (Mt 11:27), and that knowing the only true God and Jesus Christ who was sent is Eternal Life (Jn 17:3).

Today through Spiritual John (the Promised Pastor in Shincheonji: the One who overcomes) who received the Revelation from Jesus, the 12 Tribes, the 144,000 and the Great Multitude in White Robes receive the Revelation. Only then we will know God and Jesus. And we can obtain Eternal Life by following and keeping all of what Spiritual John (the Promised Pastor in Shincheonji) whom Jesus sent (as a messenger) testifies.

In the New Testament we seek Eternity and the Kingdom of Heaven. The New Testament is the New Covenant and is testifying and directing us to the One (the Promised Pastor in Shincheonji) who overcomes - that is Spiritual John. The Book of Revelation tells us that the One who sees and hears and is commanded (that is the One who overcomes) inherits and becomes God's Son (Rev 21:7). God, Jesus and the Kingdom of Heaven comes to the One (the Promised Pastor in Shincheonji) who overcomes and the Bread of Life, the Ruling and Judgmental Power are all given to the One (the Promised Pastor in Shincheonji) who overcomes (Rev 2~3).

The Time of the New Testament is the Era of the Fulfillment of the Book of Revelation. It is a Blessing to faithful people to meet the Promised Pastor in Shincheonji - the One who overcomes. Without paying attention to the One (Promised Pastor in Shincheonji) who overcomes there is no Salvation. This is the New Covenant which is the Prophecy of the New Testament, the Fulfilled Reality of today. Think of the Words of the New Testament as a teacher of faith and a path of faith, and then you will know and meet the Promised Pastor in Shincheonji - the One who overcomes. 

  For more info. come on~

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sing to the Lord, for he has done glorious things; let this be known to all the world~!