Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Shincheonji Ansan church Volunteers of the John Tribe

'Heavenly Love' Drawn on the Wall 

  by Shincheonji Ansan church Volunteers of the John  Tribe

Shincheonji Ansan church Volunteers of the John Tribe renewed the old and shabby worn-out surface of the wall in the community. Neighbors including foreigner and elder one came and helped drawing beautiful 'Heavenly Love' on the wall.

Before and after drawing 'Heavenly Love' on the wall was such a different appearance that passers-by would be glad and happy to see it.

Just as this case, Shincheonji Church is establishing ‘New Heaven and New Earth’ on the earth according to Heavenly Father's Will.

Beautiful Shincheonji; 

The Holy City of the Truth,
The Land of Righteousness and Justice,
The Land of Greatest Leaders.

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