Sunday, May 4, 2014

The Zion Christian Mission Center Emblem of Shinchonji

The Zion Christian Mission Center Emblem of Shinchonji

The Zion Christian Mission Center emblem of Shinchonji was created on this earth as it is done 
in heaven and is based on the promise written in 
the Bible.(Rev 14:1-3) This is similar to how Moses 
and Jesus created patterns based on what they saw 
in heaven.(Jn 5:19, Ex 25, Rev 21, Heb 8:5, Isa 2:2-3)

The round ring of the emblem signifies heaven and           earth (the universe and earth), and
the 7 colors of the rainbow represent the new promise     of Mt. Zion, which Jesus proclaimed
    (Rev 14:1-3,Isa 2:2-3).
Inside the ring, among the small mountains,
    there stands a tall mountain which is described 
    as Mount Zion in Rev 14. and the hill of the Lord’s           temple which will be established as chief among 
    the mountains and will be raised above the hills 
    and all nations will stream to it in the last days, 
    as indicated in Isa 2. Many people will come and say,
    “Come, let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, 
    to the house of the Lord, to the house of the God 
    of Jacob. He will teach us his ways, so that we may         walk in his paths.” The law and the word of the Lord       from Jerusalem (New Song) will go out from Zion.

The red cross on the hill is for
    the Zion Mission Center of Shinchonji,to announce         that Jesus has bore the cross for the people who             will receive salvation.
The open book in front of the cross is the eternal             gospel of Zion which was received in Rev 10. of               the New Testament, and is the word of the new song. 
The alpha and omega symbol on the book is the work     of God, and it is written to announce the 6,000 years       of work has ended and is fulfilled as promised in 
    the Bible. (Rev 21:6-7)

The reason why the Zion Mark was able to be obtained  and patent is because, The Zion Christian Mission Center of Shinchonji,today is the fulfillment of the Zion Mountain prophesied in Rev 14.

The Spirit and the bribe say,"come!"
And let him who hears say,"come!"
Whoever is thirsty,let him come;
and whoever wishes,let him take
the free gift of the water of life.(Rev 22:17)

come! and be a family of Shinchonji

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