Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Shincheonji reveals the True Meaning of Lord's Prayer

Shincheonji reveals 
the True Meaning of Lord's Prayer

Jesus taught his disciples how to pray;

 Lord's Prayer

'Our father in heaven,
 hallowed be your name,
 your kingdom come,
 your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.
 Give us today our daily bread.
 Forgive us our debts,
  as we also have forgiven our debtors.
 And lead us not into temptation,
 but deliver us from the evil one.'
 (For yours is the kingdom and the power
 and the glory forever,Amen.)(Mt 6:9~13)

As prescribed, in Lord's Prayer there is no word like 
'the kingdom generallywhich means not all of it, 
'just as weed among the wheat'.Therefore we shouldn't use that word 'generally' because It is Satan's tricky scheme to change and distort God's Word.(Mt13:25) That is,'generally' is a word of delusion which is not written in the Bible.In other words while everyone was sleeping,our enemy Satan came and sowed weed among the wheat,and went away~!

In Lord's Prayer,
we should be more aware of it's true meaning.
It is because God's Will shall be done on earth
as it is in Heaven.And also 'our daily bread' doesn't mean in the literal sense of the word but figurative.
Through Jesus' teaching in the same chapter Mt 6:25,He said 'do not worry about your life,what you will eat or drink;or about your body,what you will wear.Is not life more important than food,and the body more important than clothes?'Jesus emphasized in Lord's Prayer God's Word is much more important than secular life as eating,drinking and wearing. Therefore 'our daily bread' implies God's Word,Truth which is food for our spiritual body.As descendants of Adam,all of us need to eat our spiritual food,bread descending from the heaven,the Most High Almighty God.

In Lord's Prayer,
Jesus wanted to teach for us to know God'Will
and His Providence implied between the written 
words of the Bible.

In Shincheonji,
the Promised Pastor testifies to everything he saw--that is the word of God and the testimony of Jesus  Christ. Blessed is the one who reads the words of  Revelation, and blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it,because the time is near.(Rev 1:2~3)


Anonymous said...

Who can know about meaning of Lord's prayer? Only person who learn about this can know meaning inside~! Upper writing is written based on Bible only. So It has a value of believing.

Unknown said...

Amen,Sons of God only knows His will and Plans~!