Shincheonji is God Promising Purpose of the Old Testament and New Testament in the Bible
In each generation, God chose people to write his Words on his behalf. The book that contains these Words of God is the Bible.
The Old Testament is God's Old 1st Covenant with Chosen Physical Israelites.(Ex 19:5~6)
Whereas the New Testament is Jesus' New 2nd Covenant with His Disciples(Spiritual Israelites).
God promised that 'if the Chosen Physical Israelites obey Him fully and keep His Covenant, then out of all nations they will be His treasured possession. Although the whole earth is His, they will be for Him a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation.' But unfortunately they failed to keep the Old Covenant. Therefore they had to afflicted and suffered for so long until the Son of God, Jesus, appeared as prophesied in the Scriptures. Though Jesus came as a Savior for fallen Physical Israelites, they didn't recognized Him nor accepted Him, instead crucified Him. Right before Jesus' Crucifixion, He promised New Covenant to be fulfilled to His disciples.
It was God’s intention to have His Prophecies that would be fulfilled in the future concealed in figurative language—sealed with seven seals—so that no one would understand the Prophecies until the Time appointed for their Fulfillment arrives (Isa 29:9~14, Hos 12:10, Mt 13:10~11, Rev 5:1~3).
When the appointed time arrived, the Lord opened the book and gave it to his Chosen Pastor to convey its message to the world (Eze 3, Jn 16:25, Rev 10). In addition to opening the Book, the Lord fulfills the Words of the Promises without adding to or subtracting from the Words recorded in the Bible (Jn 19:30, Rev 21:6). At the Time of Fulfillment, believers attain Salvation by seeing, hearing, and believing in the Physical Fulfillment of God’s Promises (Jn 14:29). There is only one God and one Bible, both of which have a single purpose.
Since the scriptures cannot be broken (Jn 10:35), a tree must be known by its fruit (Mt 7:15-20). People will also be judged according to what they have done as is recorded in the 'Books' (Rev 20:12). It was Jesus who fulfilled the Prophecies of the Old Testament that were given through the prophets (Jn 19:30), and it is the one who overcomes (Rev 21:6) who fulfills the Prophecies of the New Testament that Jesus gave through his disciples. Pastors who have become accustomed to the teachings of men will be astounded with wonder upon wonder when they see the Bible being fulfilled (Isa 29:9~14). This Revelation, as recorded, is the Mystery of Mysteries, and we know it awaits an appointed time (Heb 2:2~3) when the chosen are captured by gentiles. According to Prophecies about the Time of Fulfillment, the Son of Man had to receive the open scroll and speak on behalf of God to the hardened and obsolete Israelites (Eze 1, 2, 3). This was fulfilled 600 years later through Jesus to whom God had come (Mt 15:24).
Likewise,the New Testament also prophesies that God’s Chosen Pastor must receive the open scroll from the angel sent by Jesus, and he must then prophesy to a certain group of people that is Shincheonji (Rev 10). Jesus takes this scroll from the hand of God, and then he opens it. No one in heaven or on earth or under the earth could open the scroll except for Jesus (Rev 5:1~7, Rev 6, 8:1~2). Only the one who receives this Word of Revelation from Jesus can deliver its content to others (Rev 10). This Promised Pastor has seen and heard the Physical Realities of all the events of Revelation. This Promised Pastor has also received the Open Word of Revelation (Rev 1:1~3). Believers can only understand and do the Will of God if they learn from this Promised Pastor who has received the Word of Revelation. Again, they can only be saved by receiving the Testimony of the Promised Pastor who receives the open scroll, the Promised Pastor who sees and hears Revelation. In Rev 22:18~19, it says that no one who adds or takes away from the Word of Revelation can be saved. This Promised Pastor establishes a Kingdom of Priests and a Holy Nation, that is Shincheonji just as what Jesus promised in the New Covenant. Through this God's Promise in the Old Testament and New Testament is fulfilled completely.
Ask yourself if you know Revelation. Do not deceive yourself before God so that you can be taught and saved. Stop lying to yourself and others, saying you are saved or that you are orthodox. Please be honest and repent so that you can learn. Today is like the Days of Noah. Only those who obey the Word and get on the Ark can be saved. In Mt 24:37~39, the Days of the Son of Man will be like the Days of Noah, because anyone who refused to listen to Noah was destroyed. On the plus side, however, anyone who listened to Noah was saved. Do you truly believe in this Word of God?
Let us all be saved by believing in this Word of Truth.
This article is amazing!
That's a fantastic!
Thanks for good article~!
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