Thursday, April 24, 2014

Shinchonji is not cult.You know Why~?

Shinchonji is not cult.You know why~?

God’s word is true and orthodox, but Satan’s words 
are lies. Satan’s words are heretical (refer to Jn 8:44-45)

The Bible describes how people will all be taught 
by God (Jn 6:45) and how they will become witnesses for the Lord when the holy spirit rests on them 
(Acts 1:8).The Bible, however, does not teach us
that we can become pastors after learning from other people or that we can speak from the pulpit and teach others after being ordained

Paul declared, “Even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you,let him be condemned to hell!” (Gal 1:8)

Revelation states, "I testify to the one who hears 
the words of the prophecy contained in this book:
If anyone adds to them, God will add to him 
the plagues described in this book. And if anyone 
takes away from the words of this book of prophecy, 
God will take away his share in the tree of life 
and in the holy city that are described in this book,” (Rev 22:18-19). 

Against whom did God’s prophets, Jesus, and 
his disciples fight?By whom were they persecuted 
and murdered?

Jesus told us to freely give what we have freely received
 (Is 55:1; Mt 10:8; Rev 21:6; Rev 22:17)

 Because Shinchonji is teaching and preaching 
the Bible free of charge, however, many pastors who charge people for Bible lessons are persecuting Shinchonji and calling us a cult.

Which of these two groups is obeying the Bible 
and which is the true cult—the group that is freely providing teachings according to Jesus’ words in the Bible or the group that is nitpicking about 
the other group’s faithfulness to Jesus’ commands?.

Those who are truly orthodox are the ones who receive and testify about the revealed word according to the will of the holy spirit just as Jesus, Apostle Paul, and Apostle John did. 

Today, only those who receive the revealed word
(i.e. the revelation) from Shinchonji can know
 the only true God, Jesus, and the one who overcomes. 
They are the only ones who can attain eternal life 
and realize their hopes of entering the kingdom of heaven (Mt 11:27; Jn 17:3; Rev 10; Rev 21:1-3). 

Those who call Shinchonji a cult and its revealed word 
a heresy are themselves the true heretics. 
Shinchonji has the holy spirit and the true pastor
who speaks the revealed word; Shinchonji is truly orthodox (Jn 14; Jn 16; Rev 10). Those who despise Shinchonji and call us a cult are controlled by the devil. 

They are following the example of those who called Jesus and his disciples heretics (Jn 8; Acts 24:5). 
Please take a close look at the Book of Revelation 
and Commentaries, which was recently published by Shinchonji. Who speaks the truth and who lies?

Lies are the seed of the devil (Mt 13:24-28,Mt 13:37-39,Jn 8:44). Shinchonji, on the other hand, has mastered 
the Bible.The one who overcomes has received 
the blessings promised in Rev 2 and Rev 3. He, along with the promised 12 tribes—the people who belong to heaven—can both be found in Shinchonji 
(Rev 7,Rev 14).  

 Shinchonji has been created according to the Bible 
and is living a life of faith according to the Bible. 
Today, people who lack the revealed word and who misunderstand the Bible are calling Shinchonji a cult. 

They persecute us because the spirit that controls them
is not the spirit of God.Today Shinchonji is testifying 
about the physical fulfillment of the New Testament 
and the revealed word. 

We in Shinchonji will always carry out our life of faith with justice and fairness.We will also faithfully fulfill 
our mission as God’s kingdom and priests.
God and Jesus shall be with us ever and ever.

Come and see more

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