Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The 5 Highest Qualifications to be a Shinchonji Man

The 5 Highest Qualifications 

to be a Shinchonji Man

At the time of Jesus' 2nd coming the 5 highest qualifications are needed in order to become 
a Shinchonji man.

1st.... you have to be harvested to Mt Zion.
Jesus'll come with his angels to harvest good grains
from His field sown.(Mt 24:29~31,1Th 5:1~15)
Being harvested means you've been resurrected 
from death to life.

2nd....you have to be sealed with the word of God
(Jn 3:31~34,Rev 7:1~4) Those are people who have kept the new covenant.(Heb 8:10)

3rd....You have to be the member of 12 tribes
created in Heavenly Land.(Rev 14:1~5)

4th....you should not add to or take away from the words of Revelation,that is, it's prophecy and its fulfillment.
(Rev 22:18~19)

5th....your name have to be recorde in the Book of Life.(Rev 21:27) Jesus and the name of his God and the new Jerusalem,the city of God,will come down out of Heaven to him who overcomes.(Rev 3:12)
He who overcomes is in Shinchonji today.
So being a Shinchonji man is being recorded
in the Book of Life.

It is because that he who overcomes will sit on the throne of Jesus(Rev 3:12,21) and the Book of Life will 
be where he who overcomes is.

Today these prophecies are being fulfilled
only in Shinchonji,the temple of the tabernacle 
of the testimony,the New Heaven and New Earth.

Therefore you should come and see Shinchonji
to become a member of the Kingdom of God.
For Shinchonji is God promised Land.


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