Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Correct Understanding of the Bible and Shincheonji-A Holy Place

The Correct Understanding 
of the Bible and Shincheonji 

A Holy Place

Recently, the pastors of Gwacheon, S. Korea are 
alarmed because they have heard rumors that 
Gwacheon will become a holy place. 
Since Gwacheon has long been a smaller town 
on the way to the bigger city of Seoul, 
an old Korean saying goes, "Seoul is a scary place for people from the countryside.They should learn to crawl 
in Gwacheon before they even think of walking into Seoul." 
Sometimes people can get all worked up over 
something before they even experience it for themselves.

The Bible refers to the kingdom of heaven in the spiritual realm as a Holy City. The Bible is also called The Holy Bible 
because it is God's word. Christians often use words like holy spirit and holy temple. It is good for people, places, 
and things to be holy because the opposite of holy is wicked. Pastors are supposed to transform their hearts 
into holy temples.They should serve the holy spirit 
within their hearts and speak on behalf of the spirit 
when teaching their congregation members
(1 Cor 3:9, 16-17). Why then were the pastors of 
Gwacheon alarmed when they heard rumors about Gwacheon becoming a holy place? This makes us 
question their motives and the identities of the spirits 
residing in their hearts. Should we still call them pastors 
if they are afraid of things that becoming more holy? 
Should we consider congregation members who are 
against becoming more holy to be true believers? 
This type of reaction is really an unforgivable atrocity.
Can God be pleased with them? Their reactions reinforce
 the idea that  we are living in the end of the age.

Jesus said that because he did not belong to the world, those who belong to him do not  belong to the world either(Jn 15:18-20). James said, "Anyone who chooses 
to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God," 
(Jas 4:4). In addition, Apostle John said, "They are from 
the world and therefore speak from the viewpoint of 
the world, and the world listens to them," (1 Jn 4:5).

 The world hates Shincheonji because Shincheonji 
does not belong to the world (Jn 15:18-19). The pastors of Gwacheon have united with the world to persecute and expel Shincheonji. The word of God cannot be found in them. Their actions prove that they do not belong 
to God and they have united with the world.No one who examines this situation can deny that the pastors of Gwacheon have become hostile to God by shunning 
that which is holy. They have united with the world
and are persecuting Shincheonji intensely because 
they have abandoned God's word. Aren't their actions hostile to God?

White cannot become black,and black cannot become white. Black beans are black beans, and red beans are red beans. People who belong to God will listen to us. God is the word, and he was with the word in the beginning. 
This word is life and light (Jn 1:1-4). The word is the seed that allows us to be children of God (Lk 8:11,1 Pt 1:23,Jas 1:18). Therefore, people who lack the word, are not God's children and they do not possess the light and life that
are granted by God.

How can God and his seed reside in people who have 
united with the world? What can pastors who have lost 
the word and become secular possibly offer their congregation members? Without the word, pastors cannot lead believers down the path of heaven. They cannot offer them life or the seed of heaven. If a pastor does not 
possess the seed of life, how can he give it  to his congregation members? If, however, their hearts are full 
of Satan's lies, they will spew persecution and curses 
from the overflow of their hearts? Pastors must possess God and his word. The members of Shincheonji Church of Jesus will gladly drop everything and believe in them 
if they can overcome Shincheonji with the word of life. 
If they lose the debate, however, they should admit it publicly and learn the word from Shincheonji.

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