Monday, May 26, 2014

Shincheonji,the Heavenly Work of The Promised Pastor

Shincheonji,the Heavenly Work 
of The Promised Pastor 

In Jesus' 1st coming Jesus prophesied one priest 
in many ways.

First of all he promised a counselor who would come 
in his name,the Spirit of Truth.'And I will ask the Father,and he will give you another Counselor to be 
with you forever--the Spirit of truth.'(Jn14:16)
Shincheonji is the Heavenly Work of the promised Pastor's testimony to the world.

Secondly he promised a priest who would give food 
to his servants at the proper time.'Who then is the faithful and wise servant,whom the master has put
in charge of servants in his household to give them
their food at the proper time? It will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he 
returns.'(Mt 24:45~46) Shincheonji is the Heavenly 
Work of the promised Pastor's testimony to the world.

Thirdly he promised his servant John who saw and heard what the Book of Revelation would be fulfilled 
at the right spots,who was told to prophesy again 
about many peoples.nations,languages and kings.
(Rev 2~3,Rev 10:11) Shincheonji is the Heavenly Work 
of the promised Pastor's testimony to the world.

Lastly he promised a priest who would be sent for 
the churches to give testimony of the fulfillment 
of the Book of Revelation.(Rev 1:1,Rev 22:16) 
Shincheonji is the Heavenly Work of 
the promised Pastor's testimony to the world.

For more information click here

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