Saturday, May 24, 2014

Shincheonji,the Holy City of Truth

Shincheonji,the Holy City of Truth

Truth means true principles.
The contents of Shincheonji's teachings,i.e.Truth,
given by God and Jesus through the chairman of Shincheonji,the Church of Jesus,the Holy City of Truth,are written according to the Bible with the purpose of benefiting the public, for the churches 
and the members' knowledge regarding faith.
These contents of Shincheonji's teachings,i.e.Truth 
are also written according to Jesus' words to let 
our 'yes' be 'yes',and our 'no' 'no' (Mt 5:37),so that 
the churches and the members can carry on true faith.

Truth comes from God and lies come from the devil 
(Jn 8:41-47).Lies cannot become the truth and 
the truth cannot become lies. Instead of lying 
in order to please men,we should speak the truth 
to please God (Gal 1:10). 

Shincheonji has received the revelation of heaven, which no one in heaven, on earth, or under the earth could know.That is why Shincheonji is called 
the Holy City of Truth Therefore,we are working diligently to testify the word of revelation according
to God’s will and command (Rev 10).This is the appointed task God has given to Shincheonji,
the Holy City of Truth.Only the one who receives 
the revelation can know the one true God.(Mt 11:27)
All believers can enter their hope of eternal life,
only by getting to know God and the one God has sent (Jn 17:3).The one God has sent is the promised Pastor 
in Shincheonji,the Holy City of Truth.Let us understand it, confirm‍ it, believe it, and truly become the people 
who attain salvation.

For Shincheonji,the Holy City of Truth
is the only place to find out on the day
the Son of Man is revealed.

for more information,click here

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