Monday, May 19, 2014

Testifying the Good News

Testifying the Good News

The prophecies of the New Testament, which Jesus 
had promised approximately two thousand years ago, have been fulfilled in the Republic of Korea. 
Today at the time of Revelation and the Second Coming of Jesus, all believers who study the scriptures
to attain salvation must listen carefully to this testimony in which the fulfillment are testified.

How can a man who does not believe in the Bible’s prophecy nor in its fulfillment, be considered 
a true believer?Blessings (life) and curses (death) 
are laid before us.To live, we must choose life 
and obey God’s words (Dt 30:19-20).Let all believers 
hear this Word! We, Shinchonji Church of Jesus, 
are advocates of Jesus Christ, the testifiers 
of the actual fulfilled entities.

Come and see! Not one believer under the heavens 
knows Revelation except for the pastor and people 
of Shinchonji.If there is, that person is a liar.
We testify the five W's and one H of the actual revealed entities,which are fulfilled by the promised prophecy.
Those who want to be saved by the revealed belief and faith will become part of the sealed 12 tribes(Rev 7) 
of Shinchonji Church of Jesus.

Be brave to seek for the truth,do not listen 
whatever the evil world says.Just go straight 
and be strong and courageous.In the end God'll 
bless you with what he promised ever since Adam.

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